We have created a new Facebook group for buying and selling It’s a Stitch Up destash yarn! Do you have a shade you’ve fallen out of love with or leftovers from a project? Or maybe you lost at yarn chicken and need a few extra meters? Join the group and we’ll help!
We’ll also be using the group to list our misfit skeins and end-of-batch discounts from now on.
A destash group might seem like a strange decision for a yarn company, but we hate the idea of our yarn languishing in stashes unused, and this felt like a great way to help find it a new home.
We were inspired not only by our LYS, Wild and Woolly’s Stash Depot initiative (read about it in our interview with the owner) but also one of our favourite ethical clothing brands, Phannatiq, that also has a Facebook group where customers can buy and sell pre-owned pieces.
Unwanted materials in our stash can make us feel demotivated or even be a source of guilt, but they might be perfect for another maker’s project. It’s an opportunity to make room for materials that really inspire you, or to find them on a budget! In addition, Initiatives like this support the circular economy, bringing unused materials back into circulation and helping all of us to reduce our environmental impact, which is key to our business ethos. It’s a win-win!