Destashing our yarn

If you have It’s a Stitch Up yarn you no longer need, we’ll help you find it a new home

It happens to us all! Sometimes our project plans change, we fall out of love with a colour, or just end up with more than we need.

Do put a lot of work into everything we produce, so we would hate to think of it being unloved. We’ll help spread the word if you have some of our yarn to destash. Just add your own photo of the yarn in a public Instagram post and tag us (@its.a.stitch.up), and we’ll be happy to share it to our followers. You can also use the hashtag #IASUDestash.

Full skeins, cakes or leftovers – it doesn’t matter. You are more likely to find a taker if you include important details including the price you want, your location and where you are prepared to post to.

Likewise, if you are in search of something that’s discontinued or out of stock, or you just need a partial skein to finish a project, we’ll share your request!