Payment & currencies

Payment method

We accept secure payment using credit and debit cards and other global payment methods using Stripe, with PayPal offered as an alternative. You go not need to create an account to place an order, but the payment providers offer the option to save your details for next time if you wish.

We never store or process credit card details ourselves, this is entirely managed our trusted service providers. For more information about how we manage data please see our Privacy Policy.

We do not accept credit card details directly and we regret that cannot take card payments over the phone or via email, nor can we accept cheque or bank transfer.


Our online shop accepts the following: British Pounds (GBP), US Dollars (USD), Euros (EUR) and Norwegian Kroner (NOK). The prices of the products in our shop are set in British Pounds (GBP). If you choose a different currency, the prices you see vary with the exchange rate, which is updated daily.

For technical reasons our pay-monthly Yarn Clubs are charged in GBP and cannot be converted to other currencies. Similarly, PDF knitting patterns are available in a single currency only as they are sold through a 3rd party (Ravelry).

Shipping to Norway

If you have selected Norway as your shipping destination, prices are displayed including Norwegian VAT at the current rate. We only accept NOK as the payment currency for orders to Norway in order for us to report VAT correctly.